Its been a month of non-stop, no-time-to-even-shit mugging for the partymakers but even then we have time to party. This time we played mixers for GARY'S sausagefest 2007, an annual party where the hottest guys in medicine meet and get drunk.
However, GARY, having drank too much, totally forgot to bring back our KICK-ASS photos of the party back. So if u see someone who looks like this:

PLEASE spank his butt because if not for him, this post could have been a lot more colourful.
However, it'll be just a matter of time before he defects back to malaysia and sends us the photos, so till then stay tuned for the photos we took of us burning raj's notes and stuff.
On that note, we also created a few cocktails specially for the mugging season.

Firstly, you must BURN YOUR NOTES! that's the only way to free yourself from the mindless constraints of paper. u must think beyond the box.
Secondly, collect the ashes.
Third, prepare 1 measure of BOMBAY SAPPHIRE. WHY? because all of our best anatomy professors are Indian! (DHEEN, RAJ, GOPAL)
And what do they drink in India? BOMBAY SAPPHIRE!
Bring out the hidden indian in you by drinking bombay sapphire.
Lastly mix all the ingredients into a shot glass and top up with redbull for wings.
Drink RIGHT before your exams and you'll definitely do well! BUT everyone must drink it ok? (We know we wouldn't...)
alcohol is good for exams-- A healthcare message from Dr. Jiang and Dr. Lim
Once again thanks to gary for his letting us try our drinks. And another reason why you should hire us: WE MAKE LOSSES SO YOU DONT!
thats right, we made a loss but it doesnt matter as long as everyone got high.
Thats our, like, mission statement or something.